Bowl of Saki for June 27

The heart sleeps until it is awakened to life by a blow; it is as a rock, and the hidden fire flashes out when struck by another rock.

Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

Related Material by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

Compiled by Wahiduddin Richard Shelquist –

The sorrow of the lover is continual, in the presence and in the absence of the beloved: in the presence for fear of the absence, and in absence in longing for the presence. According to the mystical view the pain of love is the dynamite that breaks up the heart, even if it be as hard as a rock. When this hardness that covers the light within is broken through, the streams of all bliss come forth as springs from the mountains.

It is the thoughts that spring from the depths of the heart which become inspirations and revelations, and these come from the hearts of awakened souls, called by the Sufis, Sahib-i Dil. The bringers of joy are the children of sorrow. Every blow we get in life pierces the heart and awakens our feelings to sympathize with others, and every swing of comfort lulls us to sleep, and we become unaware of all. This proves the truth of these words, ‘Blessed are they that mourn.’

Every atom, every object, every condition and every living being has a time of awakening. Sometimes there is a gradual awakening, and sometimes there is a sudden awakening. To some persons it comes in a moment’s time — by a blow, by a disappointment, or because their heart has broken, through something that happened suddenly. It seemed cruel, but at the same time the result was a sudden awakening and this awakening brought a blessing beyond praise. The outlook changed, the insight deepened; joy, quiet, independence and freedom were felt, and compassion showed in the attitude. Those who would never forgive, who liked to take revenge, who were easily displeased and cross, who would measure and weigh, when their souls are awakened, become in one moment different people.

There are experiences such as failure in business, or misfortune, or illness, or a certain blow in one’s life, whether an affair of the heart or of money or a social affair, whatever it may be — there are blows which fall upon a person and a shell breaks, a new consciousness is produced. … The deeper the experience touches us, the greater the unfoldment. In this way we unfold gradually towards that which is called perfection. Spiritual unfoldment is the ultimate goal of every person. It comes at a moment when we begin to be more thoughtful, when we begin to remember or to realize this yearning of the soul. Then consciously or unconsciously a feeling comes, ‘Is this all I have to do in my life: to earn money? Whether I have a high rank or a position, it is all a play. I have become tired of this play. I should think of something else. There is something else I have to attain’. This is the beginning; it is the first step on the spiritual path. As soon as we have taken this first step our outlook has changed, the value of things becomes different and things to which we had attached great importance become of less importance; things with which we concerned ourselves so much we no longer concern ourselves with. … Once the eyes of the heart are open, we begin to read every leaf of the tree as a page of the Sacred Book.

The heart is like a being which is asleep and receiving a sharp blow it awakens. Also the heart is like a stone and the fire which is hidden within it can only he brought to life when it is struck by a hard material. Then the fire appears. So it is with the heart. The fire which is life, love and feeling and which is the most sacred thing in us, is hidden in the heart as the fire in the stone. When it is struck hardly, the fire appears. That is why we receive great blows in life. The person becomes thoughtful as soon as the fire appears. And looks at things differently. But of life’s changes and great blows, the wise realize that joy, rest and peace come.

Commentary by Murshid S.A.M. (Sufi Ahmed Murad)
Samuel L. Lewis

Rubber is a very interesting substance to the spiritual student. It expands and has been used for balloons; it stretches, is pliable, is used for cushions to bring ease and comfort. But when subjected to extreme coldness it becomes hard, brittle, and useless.

In some respects the heart acts similarly. The heart in its ordinary condition expands and contracts, showing kindness outside and contracting its love within. But once it becomes cold, it becomes hard and useless. Often the delicate love of another has no effect upon it, and it may have to be rubbed hard, to be struck, to be smashed into bits. It is life itself which does this, either through the agency of a more powerful though venomous personality, through a more powerful but kindly personality, or through the suffering of life itself.