Miscellaneous Resources

Seven Pillars

House of Wisdom

Seven Pillars House of Wisdom arises from a resolute desire to help create a more harmonious and thriving world. It is a place of hospitality and service, a community of fellow seekers cultivating a living wisdom that touches people’s hearts, minds, and actions. Seven Pillars has set a table around which lovers of wisdom of all backgrounds are invited to come together to converse and collaborate.

Our work invites each person to undertake an exploration, individually and collectively, of a process we describe as The Seven Pillars.” One’s journey through the pillars illuminates the unfolding experiences of life and facilitates the emergence of a living wisdom that can help us address the urgent social and ecological needs of our time, with integrity and beauty.

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Translating the Invocation Toward the One


Years ago, when I first began saying the Toward the One prayer of the Sufi Master Hazrat Inayat Khan, I found that I was often unable to get beyond the opening words. For even as I was speaking, I would be lifted “Toward the One” to regions of “Love, Harmony, and Beauty” where my feet no longer touched the ground of materiality, but instead were grounded in “The Only Being.” I was overwhelmed by the energetic qurb — ‘proximity’ to the One — in the words themselves. There was such holy precision in them and manifest spiritual energy that my heart …