Bowl of Saki for November 16

The message of God is like a spring of water: it rises and falls, and makes its way by itself.

Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

Related Material by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

Compiled by Wahiduddin Richard Shelquist –

The key to the secret of the Messenger is given in the Bible, but very few will ponder upon it and reason it out for themselves. The key is in the words, ‘I am Alpha and Omega’, ‘I am the first and the last.’ Can that mean, ‘I came only for a time, and then I was called Jesus, and only then did I give a Message: I spoke neither before nor after that time’? Alpha and Omega means First and Last; always, continually present; never absent from the beginning of creation to the end. … God is seen in those who glorify That One. But if our hearts are closed, even if we wait for a thousand years for the Messengers to show themselves, we shall never find them. … the Message is like a spring of water: it rises and falls and makes its way by itself, so that no one can make an imitation of it. If the Message is true, it will always make its way to the end of the world. It is always so with the Message of God.

But those who wait, may wait. It is their destiny to wait, and one cannot help them. They waited while Jesus Christ came and went, and they still wait and will wait for ever. And yet the Messengers have always come; to the individual, to the multitude, to the nation, to the race. They came, and spoke to the whole world; but did they come with drums and trumpets? No, they came in the humblest guise, in the most unassuming manner; as our sibling, our servant, our friend, our equal. Humanity, because of its devotion, has called them Lord; but they said, ‘Call me not good. I am like unto you.’ It is not their absence that keeps us in ignorance; it is our own closed eyes. The Master has always been present, but humanity knew It not.

Commentary by Murshid S.A.M. (Sufi Ahmed Murad)
Samuel L. Lewis

For the Message of God is destined for humanity. A person is blessed who willingly becomes an instrument of the Message. There is more energy in humanity than in animal, more in animal than in plant, and more in plant than in rock, so the spiritual electricity always tries to flow through the one who offers less resistance to it. When one is unwilling to serve God, the animal or plant or mineral kingdom may take one’s place. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by the elements when the people scoffed at the Message, and Palestine flowed with milk and honey when the people listened to God.