Bowl of Saki for July 26

Every purpose has a birth and death; therefore, God is beyond purpose.

Hazrat Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

Related Material by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan

Compiled by Wahiduddin Richard Shelquist –

Then again it may be said, there is a purpose above each purpose, and there is again a purpose under each purpose; and yet beyond and beneath all purposes there is no purpose.

That which we call composition and decomposition and construction and destruction of things, all those are due to change, one thing turning into another. There is no such thing as death or real decomposition or destruction. It may be destruction of that particular object, but although that part which appeared in certain form or color has changed, it is not the true elements of the thing which have changed. Therefore birth and death, composing and decomposing form the constant changes in the appearance of things of Life.

The difference between the life known to the generality and the life which is unknown is that of illusion and reality. We mock at the idea if we be told that all this is illusion, until we dive deep and find out by comparison that this life which is subject to birth and death and subject to changes is a life and yet no life. This life is like a bubble in the sea. The bubble is existent and yet in reality non-existent when compared with the sea. And yet we cannot say that the bubble is non-existent, for it merges in the same sea in which it once appeared; so nothing takes it away but its own source and its original being.

There is only one being, God, who is above birth and death; all else is subject to the law of birth and death.

Commentary by Murshid S.A.M. (Sufi Ahmed Murad)
Samuel L. Lewis

God is beyond purpose and God is not purpose, yet if there were no God there would be no purpose. Logos and Ilm contain the idea of intelligence. There is intelligence in purpose and intelligence beyond purpose because purpose operates through mind and mind alone cannot partake of the supreme joys.