Becoming Clear

logo graphic: circle, triangle, square, on photo closeup of cactus blossom petal with raindrop hanging from the tip

Morocco 2016

About the Leaders

Update as of 22 Sep 2016

The Retreat is Full

* * * WAIT LIST: For any hoping to register * * *
Please contact Jane Bayley, the registrar, to be put on the Wait List.
In the event of any cancellations, Wait Listed people will be given the first option
to take the open retreat space, according to their order on the Wait List.
Jilani Cordelia Prescott
photo: Dromedary Herd on the highway near Tata, Morocco
Jilani Cordelia

Jilani Cordelia, from West Yorkshire, England, UK, was initiated in the Sufi Ruhaniat by Muiz, in 2006, certified as a DUP Leader in 2008, and is a DUP Leadership Mentor, working with mentees in the UK, Ireland, France, & Spain. In addition to leading DUP at the annual Sacred Arts, and Unicorn Dance Camps for many years, as well at her own retreats in the UK, she has also taught at the annual summer DUP camp in France (Camp d'Été) for 5 years. She leads a weekly Dance circle at the Heart Centre, and a monthly circle in Hebden Bridge. This is the 3rd retreat she has led at La Maison Anglaise.

Muiz Brinkerhoff

Muiz, from northern California, near San Francisco, USA, was initiated into the Sufi Ruhaniat in 1975, certified as a DUP Leader in ‘79, and raised to the post of teacher in ‘96. He has led DUP and Sufi practice at camps, seminars, and retreats around the USA since ‘79, has mentored other DUP leaders since ’87, and has led annually in the UK since 2003. He also works individually with his own Sufi students, and others who feel drawn to his particular approach to Waking Up. He regularly teaches with Jilani Cordelia at the Heart Centre, and attended the 2015 Morocco retreat as a participant.